Why God always come in front of eyes whenever we are sad, whenever someone close is going far, whenever we are hurt, Whenever we need something/someone like anything. I think after God, Mother is next that we remember in all difficult situations. No doubt Mother is Goddess. We have not seen God but our heart has faith that he/she is the one that will take out of any danger. Is this because he/she never demand anything from us. Is it like tress that just give us everything without asking anything. So it means we are selfish that just want to get attached to person/god that just give things. Can we really stop expecting things? Is it possible? Is it eternal love that can make it happen. I have seen people/saints dancing in Krishna temples in unconscious manner, Have they reached that state. It is always said to be attached to non-material things because you never get hurt, Reason, Because your feelings won't get hurt as we always know in advance what is the outcome. Now we are finding the ways of happiness, things are moving to God, family, non-material things. Now suppose if we love some girl/boy because of any reason, can it be without expectations, If yes how far it can go without expectation, may be not, somewhere feelings can hurt, Why, Because human nature is not rigid, it is flexible, it is not like calculator that you sum 2 numbers and it always be same. Now when we said we love then we are ready to accept positive and negative of that outcome. God never fulfills all our wishes, But still he/she always grace us with something that is good for future.
I pray, Why, Am i talking to my friend God, I know he will always be listening, surely he will not reply. But i am getting peace of my mind, May be I have stopped expecting anything from him and feel happy when i pray. I have start believing that he will not turn his back on me. I have started believing he is omnipresent.
Answering to a question Who is God and where he lives is very difficult. And the answer to the question Who, may differ person to person. Answers can be soul, music, family, some imagination. But where looks like that if we close our eyes then we can feel it everywhere. It is in soul, If i wave my hand in air, I can feel it. It gives us hope of live to go forward, fight with fear and bad time.
gr8 thought....long way 2 go...
Great Thought, nicely put down.
"तत्त्वमसि" means "I am that".. "I am the God" :-)
Keep writing.
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